Taste And Fitness Combined In A Nut

The Facts About Canola Oil

Canola is an oilseed crop that, in North America, is grown primarily in regions of Western Canada. Each canola plant produces yellow flowers which, in turn, produce pods, similar in shape to pea pods but about 1/5th their size. Within the pods are tiny round seeds that are crushed to obtain canola oil. Each seed contains approximately 40 percent oil. The remainder of the seed is processed into a canola meal which is used as high-protein livestock feed.

Canola is not Rapeseed

Rapeseed is not a word that can be used in place of canola. Canola was developed by Mendelian genetics from rapeseed in the early 1970s and has a very different chemical composition. There are strict quality standards governing canola, and products that do not meet Canadian government standards cannot use this trademarked term.

Canola in Diets
Most nutrition experts recognize canola oil as having the best overall fatty acid ratio. Canola oil has the lowest level of saturated fat (7 percent), is relatively high in monounsaturated fat (61 percent), and has a moderate level of polyunsaturated fat (32 percent.)

Health practitioners and dietitians have praised the fatty acid profile of canola, labeling it the oil with the best fatty acid ratio. Research indicates the fatty acid composition of canola oil is most favorable in terms of health benefits and as a part of a nutritionally balanced diet.

Saturated Fat
Today’s dietary guidelines require a reduction of saturated fat. Research studies have shown a link between saturated fat and increased serum cholesterol which, in turn, is associated with increased coronary heart disease risk. Canola oil has the lowest level of saturated fat (7%) compared to all other oils on the market today.

Monounsaturated Fat
Canola oil is high (61%) in the monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid. Oleic acid has been shown to reduce serum cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol levels. Oleic acid does not affect levels of HDL cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated Fat
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for humans, as they cannot be synthesized in the body and must be supplied through the diet. Canola oil contains a moderate level (21%) of the polyunsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid and an appreciable amount (11%) of alpha-linolenic acid.

Alpha-linolenic acid has been shown to be effective in lowering serum triglyceride levels as well as in reducing platelet aggregation and increasing blood clotting time. These anti-blood-clotting effects play an important role in the reduction of coronary heart disease.

Canola oil: An Award Winner
Canola oil has received two awards: “The product Acceptance Award” American College of Nutrition “Health Product of the Year Award” American Health Foundation.



桑诺拉创建于1990年,英文名称为”SUNORA”,公司注册品牌有”SUNORA” “SUNERA”,并配合客户创建了众多的自有品牌。公司的总部设在卡尔加里,卡尔加里在草原三省之一的阿尔伯塔省,是加拿大第四大城市,城市坐落在加拿大落基山脚下以西约80公里(50英里)的南弓河与肘河的汇合处。桑诺拉食品股份有限公司是一个上市公司,在多伦多股票创业交易所(TSX)的挂牌代码为 “SNF”。


桑诺拉芥花籽油已收到两个奖项:美国营养学院颁发的的”杰出产品奖” 和美国健康基金颁发的 “健康产品奖”。我们的国际产品规格包括500毫升、946毫升、1升、1.42升、1.89升、2升、3升、5升、8升和16升,除了公制包装外,我们还提供英制包装,规格包括16盎司、32盎司、48盎司,、64盎司、101.7盎司、35磅和1加仑。公司出口桶装芥花籽油在业界处于领先地位,我们提供的 190公斤铁桶装、1000公斤袋包装或21吨集装箱液袋装产品将大大降低客户的运输成本。


大多数营养专家认为菜籽油具有最佳的总脂肪酸比例。 菜籽油的饱和脂肪含量最低 (7%),单不饱和脂肪含量相对较高 (61%),多不饱和脂肪含量适中 (32%)。

健康从业者和营养师称赞菜籽油的脂肪酸组成,将其标记为具有最佳脂肪酸比例的油。 研究表明,菜籽油的脂肪酸组成在健康益处和作为营养均衡饮食的一部分方面是最有利的。


今天的饮食指南要求减少饱和脂肪。 研究表明,饱和脂肪与血清胆固醇升高之间存在联系,而血清胆固醇升高又与冠心病风险增加有关。 与当今市场上的所有其他油类相比,菜籽油的饱和脂肪含量最低 (7%)。


菜籽油中的单不饱和脂肪酸油酸含量很高(61%)。 油酸已被证明可以降低血清胆固醇水平和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平。 油酸不影响高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平。


多不饱和脂肪酸对人体至关重要,因为它们不能在体内合成,必须通过饮食提供。 菜籽油含有适量 (21%) 的多不饱和脂肪酸亚油酸和大量 (11%) 的α-亚麻酸。

α-亚麻酸已被证明可有效降低血清甘油三酯水平以及减少血小板聚集和增加血液凝固时间。 这些抗凝血作用在减少冠心病方面起着重要作用。



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